In a world wearied by division, uncertainty, and unmet expectations, where can we find true hope? This Advent sermon invites us to move beyond wishful thinking to embrace biblical hope—an unshakable trust in God’s promises. Drawing from Jeremiah 33:14-16, we explore how God’s faithfulness sustained Israel during exile and find its ultimate fulfillment in Jesus, the Righteous Branch from David’s line.
As we live in the “already, but not yet” of Christ’s kingdom, this message challenges us to hold unswervingly to hope (Hebrews 10:23), face reality with courage, and take action as witnesses to God’s coming kingdom. Through reflections from Henri Nouwen, Desmond Tutu, and Joyce Rupp, we are reminded that hope sustains, strengthens, and uplifts.
Join us this Advent season as we cling to the hope found in Christ, trusting that the light of God’s promises will shine through the darkness.
* This series is based on Kate Bowler’s “The Weary World Rejoices”